Jakarta Islamic Centre Sends Peaceful Messages with International Conference of Preachers

Forreignaffairs – Jakarta, In the midst of ongoing conflicts and wars in several parts of the world, the Jakarta Islamic Center (JIC) as an institution formed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government invited preachers from several countries around the world to become speakers and participants in the International Da’i Congress with the theme “The Role of Islamic Da’wah in Creating Peace and Developing Civilization”. This event takes place from December 12- 13, 2023 at the Harris Hotel & Convention Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta.

This event was attended by well-known scholars from Indonesia and abroad such as KH. Nasaruddin Umar, Dr. Fathullah Mohamed Fathalla Azuqaiziq, DR. Ammar Jailana Arraffah, Prof. Dr. Hakeem Divine, Sheikh Ali Qor’awi. Participants who attended were estimated to be around 100 people, especially preachers from all over Indonesia who were specially invited by JIC. This Da’i Congress discusses contemporary da’wah issues in responding to the ever-changing challenges of da’wah such as the theme of da’i readiness to face Society 5.0, reformulation of da’wah methodology to face a changing world, strategies for integrating the values of peace and civilization in multi-context da’wah and the role of mosques in developing civilization.

“We deliberately chose the issue of peace and civilization, because since it was founded JIC was intended to talk about Islamic civilization, one of which is how to ensure that the world remains peaceful and harmonious,” said Acting Chairman of JIC KH. Dr. Didi Supandi.. Lc., MA. “That’s why in the 2024 JIC program will invite more dialogue between stakeholders of civilizations in the world, whether in the Islamic world or not, so that they will open themselves to continuing dialogue in order to create world peace,” stressed KH. Didi. JIC has indeed begun to initiate several international agendas as a first step to becoming the center of civilization in the Islamic world, such as international conferences, international calligraphy exhibitions and most recently the ASEAN youth dialogue in Kuala Lumpur. The plan is for JIC to continue its Road Show to several countries in the world to offer a format of Pancasila values as a distinctive philosophy and civilizational character of the Indonesian nation which can be used as inspiration by countries in other worlds.

Apart from the preachers listening to presentations from notable speakers from the ulama, participants will also listen to on call papers from the participants whose papers will later be used as proceedings on the results of this da’i conference. JIC will disseminate the results of this da’i conference throughout Indonesia and to preachers throughout the world with the hope that the results of this conference can become a common platform for preachers throughout the world to become agents of world peace in their respective countries.

This da’i conference produced five recommendation points which were read by the Chairman of the Steering Committee and Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Ir. H. Herlan Intanpura in the closing session, namely First, Duat should equip themselves with the skills to be able to preach in the 5.0 era so that the message of Islamic da’wah which calls for world peace can be disseminated throughout the world. Such as preaching skills on social media, Arabic and English language skills and other supporting skills.

Second, there is a need for duat to innovate methodologies in preaching that are adapted to changing world conditions without losing the principles of preaching according to the Al-Qur’an and Sunnah. The main principles of da’wah that must not be ignored are Wasatiyyah and Tawazun, adhering to the manhaj of Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaah and always prioritizing the message of peace.

Third, the da’wah strategy must be integrated with the values of peace and civilization that can anticipate multi-context world conditions. The duat are also obliged to become agents of world peace so that conditions in the international world are far from conflicts such as the war in Palestine carried out by the Israeli colonialists. The duat must actively voice the end of Israeli colonialism which has been going on for decades and return Palestinian land to the Palestinian people so that holistic world peace can be realized.

Fourth, the Islamic Ummah throughout the world is obliged to make mosques the center of civilization which can become energy for changing world conditions for the better and produce generations of duat who will become agents of world peace. The function of the mosque must be restored according to the example set by the Prophet Muhammad. where all civilizational activities become the core of all activity processes in the mosque.

Fifth, to the government and state apparatus to continue to actively support the activities of the duat which can create social stability and peace in society. The duat must be made strategic partners in overcoming social problems because they are the front guard in developing the spiritual mentality of the community so that the country becomes safe and conducive.

It is planned that these five recommendations will be followed by an action plan from JIC to realize them in the form of future work programs by the Jakarta Islamic Center. “We will continue to bring this recommendation agenda in the form of concrete programs in the field as JIC’s commitment as the center of civilization in the Islamic world,” concluded Herlan Intanpura who is the head of the Takmir and Worship Division at JIC.

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